Hire A DC Sedan Service for Guests Who Are Visiting from Out of Town

How Can a Rehearsal Dinner Go Sour? No point thinking about the things that went wrong in the wedding rehearsal dinner tonight now that you are going home in your rented DC Sedan Service. You could have avoided all those blunders if you had just given them a little thought.

There are always a number of things that can turn a delightful rehearsal dinner event bitter in no time. Don’t believe us? Read on to find out about the things that can go wrong.

1.     Inviting the Wrong People:

Rehearsal dinners are an intimate gathering of people who are and have always been close to you. It is a formal way of thanking them for all the things they have done for you. Therefore, inviting the right people is essential. You can’t miss out on the important ones or worse, invite those who you don’t plan to invite to your wedding.

2.     Assuming the Groom’s Side Will Pay:

Long gone are those days when it was considered a given. Today, a rather balanced idea is shared among both the parties. Do talk about who is paying for what rather than assuming it on your own. Money matters can really ruin relationships and you don’t want yours to start on a bad note.

3.     Embarrassing Speeches:

There have been incidents that the only person who thought their speech was hilarious was them. Offending someone today is the easiest thing to do; so, ensure that you don’t mouth words that may hurt someone’s feeling or start a war.

4.     Seating Enemies Together:

This could potentially be the biggest neglected mistake you can make. Please don’t seat Uncle John beside Aunt Mary because they haven’t talked to each other since that incident in 1999.

5.     Choosing the Wrong Menu:

Just because you are a vegetarian by choice doesn’t mean everyone will be. Some might have even imagined devouring a big chunk of steak. So, don’t ruin their imagination by restricting the menu to being all-vegan. Variety works best!

Not Arranging For Decent Transport:

Guests who are visiting from out of town will of course need some medium of commute to the venue. Do take this factor into consideration and look for Cheap Limo Service DC prices or Limousine service rates online and hire a DC Sedan Service or SUV Limo Service DC to facilitate them. Call us Now at (800) 371-1434


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